Purple Panda exists to take the pain out of managing your money stuff. Join the growing tribe of emerging wealthy who demand more from life, who are not bound by limits and choose to create a life they love.
“We believe that a great life story doesn’t just exist”
We bring it into existence with the choices we make every day. Don’t let money get in the way of a good life story. We’ve got you with simple but powerful money tools, so you can get on with the stuff you want.
Your life.
Your move.
Imagination is a powerful tool – it fuels passion for life! Wouldn’t it be lame if we let money get in the way of what we imagine for our lives? Well, we think so. That’s why we created the Playground.
The Playground
“If you don’t move from the think box to the play box, you’ll never make any progress.”
The Playground is your online platform. Your central place for managing your spending, tracking your investments, sorting your tax and smashing goals. Here is where you learn, grow, and connect.
Go from thinking and planning about getting your shit sorted to actually GETTING your shit sorted. So you can get started on living your limitless.
Join for FREE
We’re here to help you grow your money with no regrets.
Charging you a hectic member fee is definitely not the way to achieve that! Instead, our membership is completely free.
You get full access to the Purple Panda Playground, which includes:
Money matters – all your money in the one place, tracking cash flows in and out so you can easily see if your money is working for you.
Tax Stuff- access to the PP tax team to help you get your tax shit sorted and ways to maximise your refund.
GYST Course – go from thinking and planning about getting your shit sorted to ACTUALLY getting your shit sorted.
Goals board – set, see and smash your goals.
Connect with like-minded pandas - Join the Embarrassment Facebook Group where we hang out.